5 Types of Gate Valves and Their Parts

Different Types of Gate Valves

Are you looking for a reliable and cost-effective way to regulate the flow of liquids or gases in your domestic, commercial, or industrial piping system? Then gate valves are an ideal choice! Gate valves are designed to open and close quickly, allowing easy flow control. These sturdy components offer superior performance, dependability, and long-term reliability – no matter what environment they’re used in. In this blog post we’ll be exploring the types of gate valves available on the market today and breaking down its key parts so that you can make an informed decision when choosing which valve is right for you.

What is Gate Valve?

A gate valve is a type of valve that uses a gate or wedge-type disc that moves perpendicular to the flow to start or stop fluid flow in piping.

The most common type of valve in any process plant is a gate valve. It is a linear motion valve that controls the flow of fluid. These valves are either fully open or fully closed when in use.

When a gate valve is fully opened, the disc is completely removed from the flow. As a result, there is almost no flow resistance. As a result, when fluid passes through a gate valve, very little pressure drops.

When the valve is fully closed, 360° surface contact between the disc and seats is required to achieve proper sealing.

Gate valves should not be used for flow regulation or throttling because precise control is impossible. The high velocity of the flow in the partially open valve may cause erosion of the disc and seating surfaces, as well as vibration and noise.

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Gate Valve Components

The main components of the gate valve are shown here. A gate valve’s disc is also known as a wedge. To learn more about each of these parts, read the complete guide on valve parts.

  • Body
  • Bonnet
  • Wedge, Solid
  • Seat for the Body
  • Stem
  • Rear Seat
  • Gland Follower
  • Gland Flange
  • Nut Stem
  • Nut Yoke
  • Handwheel
  • Nut for Handwheel
  • Bolts and studs
  • Nuts
  • Bonnet Gasket
  • Lubricator
  • Gland Packing

Gate Valve Types

Solid Wedge Gate Valve

The most popular and widely used type of disc is a solid wedge because of its strength and simplicity. A solid wedge valve can be installed in any position and is suitable for almost all fluids. It can also be used in a turbulent flow.

It does not, however, account for changes in seat alignment caused by pipe loads or thermal expansion. As a result, this type of disc design is the most prone to leakage. Thermal locking occurs when a solid wedge is used in high-temperature service.

Flexible Wedge Gate Valve

The flexible wedge is a solid disc that is one piece with a cut around the perimeter. The size, shape, and depth of these cuts vary. A shallow, narrow cut on the wedge perimeter reduces flexibility while maintaining strength. A cast-in recess or a deeper and wider cut on the wedge perimeter provides greater flexibility but reduces strength.

This design improves seat alignment while also providing improved leak tightness. It also improved performance when thermal binding was possible. Gate valves with flexible wedges are used in steam systems.

Gate Valve with Split Wedge or Parallel Disks

A split wedge Disk is made up of two solid pieces that are held together by a special mechanism. Images show the same thing. If one-half of the disc is out of alignment, the disc can self-adjust to the seating surface. The split disc can be wedge-shaped or parallel-disk-shaped.

Parallel discs are spring-loaded, ensuring constant contact with seats and bi-directional sealing. The split wedge can handle noncondensing gases and liquids at both normal and high temperatures.

Rising Stem vs. OS & Y Gate Valve (Outside Stem and Screw Type)

The stem of a rising stem valve rises when the valve is opened and falls when the valve is closed. It’s visible in the image. The threaded portion of the stem is in contact with the flow medium in the inside screw design, and when you open the valve, the handwheel rises along with the stem.

In the case of an outside screw design, only the smooth portion of the stem is exposed to the flow medium, and the stem rises above the handwheel. This valve is also known as an OS & Y valve. Outside steam and York are abbreviated as OS & Y.

Non-rising Stem Gate Valve or Insider Screw Valve

A non-rising stem type has no upward movement of the stem. The valve disc is internally threaded. When the stem is rotated, the disc moves along it like a nut. The image is visible. The stem threads of this valve are exposed to the flow medium.

As a result, this design is used when space is limited and the flow medium does not cause erosion, corrosion, or wear and tear to the stem material. An insider screw valve is another name for this type of valve.

Gate Valves Uses

  • Gate valves are used in almost every fluid service, including air, fuel gas, feedwater, steam, lube oil, hydrocarbons, and many others.
  • Some special gate valves, such as knife gate valves, are also used in slurry and powder products.

Benefits of Gate Valve

  • The gate valve provides effective shutoff.
  • The pressure drop during operation is negligible.
  • The majority of gate valves are bi-directional.
  • They can withstand high pressure and temperatures and require less maintenance.


In summary, gate valves are used for an array of applications from residential to industrial. Their purpose is to facilitate the flow of liquids and gases through the plumbing system by opening, closing, or throttling the passage that provides a tight shut off when closed. There are various types of gate valves such as solid wedge, flexible wedge, parallel slide, rising stem and OS&Y and each has its unique advantages and disadvantages. Gate valve parts play an integral role in their proper functioning and important component include the body seat, bonnet port connection a stem seal bushings among many others components. To ensure maximum longevity and protection it’s important to use reliable brands such as Kitz or Nibco when dealing with these types of systems solutions. When used properly they can last for decades without having to replace them or undergo tedious maintenance practices. On the other hand failure to maintain these valves can cause significant damage both costs wise and asset wise within a home or industrial sites. All in all gate valves are essential pieces of plumbing solution that manages valuable resources be it oil gas or water in our everyday residences

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